A Few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

cropped-Ainslieparklands-ps-preptalk2.jpgKids love Questions. I could fill a few hours answering questions. So to avoid a few common ones coming up I tried my best to share some past and present conversations. One of my favourite Questions, commonly asked when doing talks, is a variation of this one from Raymond.


“You look like Jack Black from Rock School, are you any relation?”

– Raymond, Level 5. Ainslie Parklands Primary School.


When does Myke get his best ideas?

At the oddest times.

Driving a car, shaving, in the shower, while cooking dinner, on the toilet, just before bed, while snorkelling or just day dreaming in the park. On the train, definitely while zoned out on the train.

What’s more important, the writing or the pictures?

I learnt as an art director in advertising doing television commercials. You turn the sound off to see if the visual works and you close your eyes and see if the soundtrack works. With books it very important to balance both well – “It’s the marriage between the two, writing and illustrations.”

How does anyone start an illustrated book?

Write, scribble, plan and draw. Write, scribble, sketch and draw. Jot notes, use sticky notes, write, plan, scribble, sketch and draw. Slowly the work will reveal itself. Slowly you build your book from the ground up.

If in doubt Brainstorm some ideas with friends.

What occupies Myke’s mind when he works?

Day dreams and more day dreams. Myke has always been a dreamer.

For more FAQ’s Please visit Myke’s page, which is crammed full of questions and answers from Myke.

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