Sand Sculpting Events and Workshops.

Myke Mollard loves getting outdoors and getting his hands sandy!

Every summer for the last six plus years, Myke has been conducting sand sculpting workshops at Cape Conran Coastal Park. Wildfire Workshops invites coastal councils, companies and other National Parks to join in the fun and stage their own sand sculpting events.


The benefits of sand sculpting are amazing. This family fun can really capture the hearts and minds of participants and onlookers alike. Myke’s format is quite casual, but inspires and engages kids and parents for 2-3 hours of real exhausting and rewarding fun.

At Cape Conran Coastal Park, the management and Myke ran the outdoor event as a sand sculpting competition with prizes and giveaways. This included several roaming workshops and involved between 30 and 600 participants actively engaged in building over 30 sculptures. The results spoke for themselves, with most participants and onlookers standing back to admire this ephemeral art gallery before the rising tide brought the beach back to a blank canvas.


The cost of staging these events varies. It depends on the scale, size and turn out expected. Myke has plenty of experience with small or large numbers to make these events highly cost effective and fun.

Price of these outdoor events are strictly on application. Myke is open to discuss any Outdoor Event or Workshop and explore how he can put on a show.

Call Myke Mollard on 0402 276 624 or email him at today for more information.

Below are a few happy snaps of previous events. Demonstrating the amazing sculptures of kids and their parents after one or two brief lessons and some coaching. If you’d like to see more please go to

DSCN2153 As you can see there are over 80 -100 families actively involved in nearly thirty sculptures.

DSCN2156Using hands, shells shovels and spades Myke sets the theme and coaches each family group as they build their sand sculpture.

DSCN2168Beach sand is quite difficult to work with, but loads of fun.

P1120428Most sculptures are done by families who have never tried to do this in their lives. This Turtle was a massive effort and measuring near 5 metres in diameter.


Myke’s themes often include Australian Bush creatures, because of the book, but also because of the great organic shapes kids and parents get to work with. Plus there is a good deal of stylisation too.

DSCN3424Myke has also produced some fantastic sculptures over the years. Below are just a few to give you an idea of the sheer scale of these events.

DSCN2348Myke quickly and effortlessly shows kids how to sand sculpt in several roaming workshops across the 2-4 hours out on the sand.

sandsculpting -2This massive crocodile took nearly 2 hours to build and pack down the pile of sand and another hour to sculpt it. It was nearly 5 meters in length.

sandsculpting -1 Myke’s crocodile measuring nearly 5 meters long.


A fun little bilby or bandicoot that took only an hour to sculpt.


A seal that took several goes to get the head right as it kept collapsing.


This classic dolphin has become a signature sculpture for Myke.


The dolphin measuring nearly 3 meters long and nearly 1.5 meters high to the top fin.

P1080586These dolphins, mother and baby caused quite a crowd a Wye River beach nearly six years ago. Many people came down from their houses to get a picture in front of the sculptures at dusk. Myke and his family watched as the tide slowly reclaimed the sand from the Wye River Hotel while having dinner.

Below Myke demonstrates and visually shows you as many details as he can and from as many angles and perspectives – how-to-sculpt a “Bunyip”.

DSCN2148 DSCN2147 DSCN2138 DSCN2128 DSCN2124 DSCN2123 DSCN2122Myke hopes you have enjoyed his little gallery of sand sculpting events. Myke hopes that you try this next time you are at the beach. Plus if you are interested in more sand sculpting fun there is a web gallery of nearly every major event Myke has done in the last 4-5 years up on Bush Creatures Facebook. Myke invites you to have a look and if you have had the pleasure of experiencing a Myke Mollard Sand sculpting experience Myke has catalogued nearly every sculpture each participant has done. Your sculpture could be there amongst the photos to share with family and friends. It’s so much fun that Myke hopes to see you at the beach.

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