Alphington Storytelling Workshops

alphingtonI’m amazed by how much fun you can have devising stories out of thin air. I’m also happily surprised at the invention and imagination of our young.

Just last month I visited a lot of places. Mainly for Local Councils and Libraries, but schools as well. The Drawing workshops have been running hot this summer with many kids getting outdoors and sketching up a storm. Yet Alphington Primary School elected for a couple of “Storytelling Wildfire Workshops” as they developed characters, their heroes and villains, created settings to come up some super-dooper storylines.

In the workshops we explored so much. We developed an idea, choose a hero, created a Villain. Then started to work up our plots. We had to have some magic power or object and the hero and villain were opposites. Both stories ended up being about super heroes saving the world from fantastic fresh villains. Both had amazing potential.

The first Class, decided their hero was a child-sized bunny named Evie with super powers. Evie could out jump anything with her bunny feet and this came about when she swallowed a magic gem embedded in a carrot. They wanted a risque titled book with attitude and thus “Evie the Bunny that Kicks Butt!” Was born. Evie had a sidekick – a Ninja Gorilla and some pretty cool moves herself. They quickly find themselves saving the world from a the Great White Hunter who wants to “ensnare” the world in his magical nets. Evie gets trapped once and if it wasn’t for her sidekick she’d be doomed. But after the world is caught in the Great White Hunter’s master plan and everyone is doomed. Evie’s 400 strong bunny brothers and sisters discover the net is made from carrot flavoured rope. Starving after days in the net they eat their way out. Evie and her Sidekick quickly find the Great White Hunter, Kick his butt! Then they artfully turn his own weapon on himself and entrap him for eternity. Which sounds like a long time in rabbit years! The end!

The second class, created “BOB Stormmaker and the Evil Seal” A penguin named Bob who has a very special power -he can control the weather! Is forced to save the world against the evil “Jabba the Hutt” sized Seal and his schools of evil tuna fish. Seal has a fantastic new toy – a satellite that will bring on global warming and melt the ice caps and his penguin friends will all die! Before he loses control of the weather Bob creates a black ice mirror on the ocean and reflects the heat wave back into space taking out the satellite and spoiling Seal’s evil plot. Yet the Seal creates another invention to heat the ocean and again this forces a showdown. Bob creates a storm so high and vast that it lighting strikes Seals new invention and the waves are so angry they take out all the evil tuna fish and wash them as pre-made sushi rolls on all major beaches.

But instead of killing Seal he decides to freeze him in a special ice block and keep him as a living example to others that try and mess with Bob Stormmaker! This sounds like a series that could go places and the class was already onto their next villain.

What I love about doing this workshop is that the whole class participates in developing a story and they all get to toy with ideas and plot turns and twists. It’s like progressive brainstorming and effective in teaching kids the building blocks to classic storytelling.

I ended each session with a Storytime, but I had to be quick as the bell was about to ring for some well deserved morning tea and by mid morning – lunch!

A big thanks for Alphington Primary School for their undivided attention and enthusiasm.


Sketching in the Street.

Collins SketchingCollins Booksellers Presents Sketching in the Street With Myke Mollard

Two exclusive events just for locals after school. It will sort of be like Busking but kids and adults can join Myke in some quick and easy How-to-draw classes every 15 – 20 minutes or so. So get out your sketchpads and break out some pens, let’s go sketch with Myke and his friends.

Wednesday February 26, 2014 – 4PM – 6PM
and also on
Wednesday March 12, 2014 – 4PM – 6PM

Yes! After school do something novel – do something cool! Sketch in the street outside Collins Croydon with author/illustrator Myke Mollard. It will be loads of fun for everyone, so to celebrate art, enjoying or local community and Maroondah Art Gallery’s “Draw me a Story” exhibition. Please register your interest or just join Myke in the street, as he goes through the process of drawing things every 15 minutes. Sketch up anything you like or follow Myke’s lead. It will be whole lot of creative afterschool fun.

Pencils, board and paper supplied. But welcome to bring your own too.
Register your interest in Collins Bookstore, Main Street Croydon.

Brand Essence and Positioning Workshops.

BrandingDo you have questions about your advertising? Do you have ‘a brand’ or just ‘a product’? Marketing not hitting the mark? Do you need a communications audit or just need some creative direction?

Today everyone thinks they know what a “brand” is … They look at; Coke, Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, BMW, Virgin, Ford, Honda, Sony, BMG, Marvel, Pixar, Vegemite, Schweppes and stacks more and feel they know that brand’s story – but these are surely just products. Some people consider themselves “brands” by definition or by celebrity – Prince, Calvin Klein, Moss, Elle, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Trump, Branson, Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe, Snoopy, Tin Tin, Superman and the Avengers Just to name a few.

But what is the difference between having a “brand” or just having a garden variety “product”. Why is achieving a “brand” status such a powerful thing?

In my workshops I will break down the meaning behind some of the best know brands and highlight the systematic thinking that helps you understand the dynamics between advertising and marketing. There are subtle differences between the strategies of advertising and the strategies of marketing, often people think that these are one in the same or a bi-product of each other. It’s a little more complex than that. Plus when egos and agendas get in the way products and business suffer. Advertising and Marketing are often and can be very different in approach yet have the same aim – sell the product!

Understanding why different approaches are needed and when to employ these approaches and what approaches take a bigger role in building brand can confuse even the most seasoned advertising person or marketing person.  Sometimes, it’s like “what comes first the chicken or the egg?”

What I try to do in my workshops is break down communications, messages, marketing and advertising and look at the driving forces behind either a client’s brand, a business product or service, or even an individual person. You soon become acutely aware of the power of advertising and the role of marketing, especially in a room full of major stakeholders passionate about their products. But what is really important and equally empowering is guiding that room to find their true “Brand Essence”.


“I’m quite proficient at writing for my clients, but when it came to developing my own promotional material I was blocked. Thank the universe for Myke Mollard. Myke got to know my needs and wants before submitting a draft that said everything I was struggling to write. He captured the essence of who I am and what I want Emerging Woman to be seen as. At the same time he was working on the graphic design of flyers, business cards, banners and anything else I needed to totally re-brand my business. I am blown away with his talent that encompasses design, copy, and advertising and business strategy. I am so excited about launching the new look and feel of Emerging Woman. Thank you Myke for giving me a brand I identify with and am immensely proud of.”

– Pamela, Emerging Woman, Business Owner and Public Speaker.


It’s funny but once you understand “Brand Essence”, suddenly a whole room discovers the galvanising nature of “Branding”. It’s like a penny dropping in everyone’s head. Stakeholders start working together on a single proposition, with regards to all future communications. Everyone sees how to effectively build that brand – the brand vision is realised and it all becomes apparent.

The art of finding “the essence” of your product and why your customer picks yours over another competitors, can be understood and adapted immediately, but takes years to learn and confidently facilitate. Once you have found your “Brand Essence”, everything starts to make sense, you simplify the playing field and change the way you approach things. Their is this deep connection made that opens a way for greater sales, clearer vision, better communications, stronger marketplace positioning, more effective marketing, braver more confident advertising – Every participant will come away understanding how to move a product from the ordinary to being an extra-ordinary “brand” within a given marketplace.

How important is this “Branding” to your business? Well without sounding like every other public speaker or guru, I personally believe it’s “essential.” At least, to understand the principals behind “Brand essence” and investigate the driving forces behind why people are buying your product or are not buying your product. Hell! You don’t even have to have a problem. You could have the market leading product and service and still get ground-breaking knowledge out of a Brand Essence Workshop. The beauty of these workshops is you can do it every few years as markets change, staff move on and products evolve.

Brand Essence workshops help sales teams, major stakeholders, managers to work together at building your brand or drive your business better. It’s a fantastic way to get “buy in” from key positions of management, so they can agree on a future vision and a creative direction without personal agendas and ego eroding your business objectives from within.

Brand Essence is about finding the core motivating factor that underpins your business success and your creates a single-minded proposition to take your business into the future.

The second part of this process is the more aggressive and more robust strategies of positioning. Positioning comes after Brand essence is established and focuses on developing a brand position or an ‘edge’. It helps stakeholders create an ‘impact’ or employ communications that ‘cut through’ in this modern, over communicated marketplace. The workshop will endeavor to position your products and brands for better visibility, more positive advertising outcomes and unlock greater market potential.

With plenty of experience to draw upon for the best part of 20 years, and still helping clients achieve better communications. I have designed and tailored Wildfire Professional Workshops off tried and true advertising methodologies – delivering old school strategies combined with new school thinking. Each workshop will be individually designed to suit your business needs and tailored to steer your business, product or brand image into more effective communications. I personally feel it’s the perfect solution for a business that doesn’t want to commit to a large agency, but wants “the edge” over it’s competitors.

There are three styles of Wildfire Professional Workshops that I facilitate:

  • brand essence and brand positioning workshops or focus groups.
  • communication audits, creative presentations or just consultancy.
  • creative direction made simple for small and large businesses.

If you wish to give your business a new direction or take a different approach, consider a workshop or session.

I am open to discuss any Wildfire Professional Workshop and explore how I can help your company or business grow. Just simply call or email me.

A Few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

cropped-Ainslieparklands-ps-preptalk2.jpgKids love Questions. I could fill a few hours answering questions. So to avoid a few common ones coming up I tried my best to share some past and present conversations. One of my favourite Questions, commonly asked when doing talks, is a variation of this one from Raymond.


“You look like Jack Black from Rock School, are you any relation?”

– Raymond, Level 5. Ainslie Parklands Primary School.


When does Myke get his best ideas?

At the oddest times.

Driving a car, shaving, in the shower, while cooking dinner, on the toilet, just before bed, while snorkelling or just day dreaming in the park. On the train, definitely while zoned out on the train.

What’s more important, the writing or the pictures?

I learnt as an art director in advertising doing television commercials. You turn the sound off to see if the visual works and you close your eyes and see if the soundtrack works. With books it very important to balance both well – “It’s the marriage between the two, writing and illustrations.”

How does anyone start an illustrated book?

Write, scribble, plan and draw. Write, scribble, sketch and draw. Jot notes, use sticky notes, write, plan, scribble, sketch and draw. Slowly the work will reveal itself. Slowly you build your book from the ground up.

If in doubt Brainstorm some ideas with friends.

What occupies Myke’s mind when he works?

Day dreams and more day dreams. Myke has always been a dreamer.

For more FAQ’s Please visit Myke’s page, which is crammed full of questions and answers from Myke.

Debunking the Tracing Taboo

In my day, as I was growing up, my art teachers collectively despised tracing or the use of tracing paper. It was a form of copying or not seen as art.  It was to be used on school projects to accurately trace maps for assignments on the Roman army or the battle of Hastings. Boring factual stuff that had no real importance except to illustrate the mundane.

This thinking never sat with me very well. I always thought that Walt Disney animators would have constantly traced their cells and drawings to achieve emotional, fluid and seamless movements. So if animators trace why can’t we? I utilised the magic of tracing paper for many drawings and artistic projects. The way I saw it, was tracing paper was used in film development, cell animation and industrial design. If these commercial art forms employed it to produce their art why couldn’t I. But hey! I was probably 6-8 at the time, I had these rebellious thoughts, and if I dared air them to my teacher I’d be told off. So tracing paper remained my secret weapon in developing my drawings to a higher standard before I could draft the shapes with more adult precision.

One of my favourite things as a kid was watch the early morning cartoons. My parents had just discovered video recording and I was lucky enough to have one of the first ‘National’ brand of video recorders. So what I actually started doing was recording my favourite cartoons and anime and pausing the frames I liked. Then with tracing paper I’d stick the paper to the television glass screen and trace my favourite characters. It taught me heaps about foreshortening, dramatic perspectives, caricatures and how to create comic eyes.

What I learnt from this is that we don’t innately understand perspective. Our hand-to-eye coordination doesn’t immediately know or understand how to etcher-sketch this reality to paper. All people have to practice the art of drawing to have any capacity.  We have to teach ourselves how to translate the spacious 3 dimensional world we see into the 2 dimensional world we draw on paper.

So lets take a drawing or a printed photograph. In one instance the artist and in the other the camera has already “flattened” the perspective and 3 dimensional space into a 2 dimensional image in which you can trace. The simple act of tracing is a great exercise (e.g. like cutting with scissors, colouring in and pasting collage) to hone the motor skills required in drawing. Funny enough it has no difference to normal drawing, still life or life drawing, albeit your subject matter rests under your sheet of paper not out in front of your easel. So by negating the changing in perspective or position of our head, that confuses the brain, when we look at an object and then look down to see our hand draw that object we suddenly just have to neatly trace the object underlying the page or tracing paper. This will give our hand confidence and help it understand the observational complexities need later when drawing from life.

Tracing in my opinion is an important first step in developing great hand-to-eye coordination. Tracing should be an essential exercise in mastering your drawing ability. All children should be encouraged to trace. In some ways, you have to learn how to crawl before you walk and definitely before you learn how to run.

Tracing should never be seen as a taboo. It should be an essential building block or tool in the pursuit of learning how-to-draw.

Snake tracing_step1

Step 1: Choose the best drawing you wish to trace. Something easy or something difficult – take your pick.

Snake tracing_step2


Step 2: Place tracing paper over the top. To stop the paper from moving use some tape. But be mindful if using library books as some tapes can deface and rip the pages or paper.

Snake tracing_step3



Step 3: Look for the best details. the ones that translate a photo to a strong line drawing.

Snake tracing_step4Step 4: Finish your tracing off hopefully without moving the tracing paper too much.

After you are finished a tracing you can use a soft graphite pencil scribble all over the underside of the tracing paper and then place the paper on some nice art paper. Then redraw your traced image. The pressure of the drawing will transfer your image neatly down on the new page. Then you have a great starting point to develop a new drawing.

But that’s another lesson.



The Importance of Creativity and Art Eduction.

Teaching kids to be confident at drawing and illustrating is really important for communication, project building, improving assignments, enhancing homework. Now more than ever with computers, programs like Powerpoint, having a good sense of design and presentation is vital for kids to get ahead, thrive and become better students.

Not to mention, how much more fun is classwork or homework when drawings and creative play are involved.

Some people may think illustrating, drawing and graphics are just ‘needless child’s play’. Recent trends in America and China suggest that art is being phased out for economics, marketing, social media, computer studies and more academic studies. Why? When art and this type of education is an important part of a child’s learning. Art helps build creative thinking, independent thought processes, it can settle troubled kids and much more.

MBG_2600Sometimes the simplest things like colouring in properly or using scissors well can hold a child’s self-esteem back. Learning the right way and having fun with it unlocks these trivial mental road blocks. Sometimes it can open the class up to all sorts of artistic creations, colours, and most importantly taking some pride in their work.

Art education is nothing new, and the benefits are so important for building academic confidence, social confidence, enhancing focus, self-discipline and developing the ability of what might be.

Now how many teachers feel they can draw well? How many employ hand-drawn pictures in their classrooms? How many teachers “Packed up” their drawing skills when a fellow student teased them about their creativity?

Art education is vital and learning about things through drawing is a brilliant way to learn. Mind mapping, brainstorming, storytelling, designing, exploring through words, pictures and sounds uses the full palette of expression. This is why Wildfire Workshops works! The simple power of these workshops impacts on both the children and the teachers. Learning “how-to-draw” better empowers kids to do better and try harder. It galvanises their resolve and they enjoy applying themselves.

I like to think I’m no ordinary facilitator. I try to keep it fresh, powerful and kids love the lessons. Whether its my encyclopedic brain of knowledge, hundreds of mini stories, a fun, comical approach, stacks of real life references or loads of experience with delivering these workshops. Whether a class of 25 or the whole school, I will always try to deliver wildfire workshops – aptly named to catch on. The sessions take drawing, and teaching kids that value of drawing in our everyday lives, to a whole new level.

After 20 years in advertising as a creative, at least six years as a children’s book author and illustrator, I hope I can say I understand the importance of creativity, individual perception and perspective these attributes are keys to developing healthy life skills. They help us build robust and adaptable personalities, compassionate thoughtful students and confident self starters. Art is a powerful tool in building kids self-esteem and I hope my flamboyant, warm and encouraging manner sees most students rise to the challenge and surprise themselves. It’s so empowering for me to see what a simple pen and blank sheet of paper can deliver. The kids are always full of surprises and they surprise me with their depth, warmth, skills and interpretations.

In hindsight, I think most will agree, that it’s so important that kids learn to be confident with their creativity. It’s so beneficial when a class shares the problem solving in attempting to draw a platypus, a kangaroo, or even speed drawing a ninja Koala for fun!



A taste of things to come

“Every wildfire starts with a spark.”

It’s my creative vision to inspire kids of all ages to take an interest in preserving our native wildlife. This is Australia’s living heritage, and the way I would like to do this is through art education and engaging workshops. Wildfire Workshops have a big yet uplifting vision to spark a child’s imagination and at the same time:

•   Inspire the love of reading and books through illustration and storytelling.

•  Encourage the love of drawing through teaching simple easy-to-follow techniques
– discovering the ability to draw is like a second language within us all.

•  Innovate by using traditional means to achieve fantastic digital ends.

•  Endeavour to produce works of wondrous imagination and visual dexterity.

•  Educate and highlight the plight of our endangered bush creatures while
creatively exploring Australia’s unique natural beauty through art.