Sketching in the Street.

Collins SketchingCollins Booksellers Presents Sketching in the Street With Myke Mollard

Two exclusive events just for locals after school. It will sort of be like Busking but kids and adults can join Myke in some quick and easy How-to-draw classes every 15 – 20 minutes or so. So get out your sketchpads and break out some pens, let’s go sketch with Myke and his friends.

Wednesday February 26, 2014 – 4PM – 6PM
and also on
Wednesday March 12, 2014 – 4PM – 6PM

Yes! After school do something novel – do something cool! Sketch in the street outside Collins Croydon with author/illustrator Myke Mollard. It will be loads of fun for everyone, so to celebrate art, enjoying or local community and Maroondah Art Gallery’s “Draw me a Story” exhibition. Please register your interest or just join Myke in the street, as he goes through the process of drawing things every 15 minutes. Sketch up anything you like or follow Myke’s lead. It will be whole lot of creative afterschool fun.

Pencils, board and paper supplied. But welcome to bring your own too.
Register your interest in Collins Bookstore, Main Street Croydon.

Summer Sunset Sketching

1926297_714942748550181_1778291404_oCroydon Library and the Maroondah City Council, had me sketching at sunset to a modest crowd of 47. It was to promote getting back to the library after holidays or summer vacations, and appreciating our local parks and community services. It was also a time to promote “Draw me a Story” exhibition that the local council have put on for the kids to highlight some talented illustrators and authors and their children’s books.

Maroondah Sketching Feb21_A5As a children’s book author I talked about drawing books, local wildlife and did a huge skills-building workshops to a very happy bunch of parents and excited kids.

The day was pretty rainy all day and the weather looked like cancelling the event. But late afternoon the sun came out, the storm could be seen racing up the sides of Mt. Dandenong and we had a fantastic evening of sketching.

It was nice to see some familiar faces and the drawing quality was excellent. Both kids and parents got some great starts to visual journals and some awesome drawing in as we eat a picnic dinner and celebrated a gorgeous evening under the trees outside the Library and council offices, and every now and again we had the screeching hullabaloo long billed corellas.

20140221_193919<<  My Boys trying to play DJ while we were packing up.

Finally, DJ Ben Courtney played some excellent drawing music from Australian Classics to some upbeat modern trance that keep every artist focused and keen for more drawing lessons. It all was nice to see the two hours slip by and met some lovely locals.

Final Thanks to Janet, from Eastern Region Libraries for all the tireless promotion and her commitment to community events.

If anyone would like to see more drawing and storytelling. Head to “Draw me a Story” The Maroondah Art Gallery. There you will see more amazing drawings and more of your favourite books come to life. >>  Enjoy for Now!  >>

draw me a story